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Hidden Hollow Farm

About our Herd

Some information about our herd and some special animals in our herd will be provided here. For more detailed information and inquiries about for sale stock see the contact page.
"SAL" - the home town wonder boy. This is a blue dutch buck that has a history. We raised this buck out of a doe from our herd and a buck given to us by Steve Easterly right after Sally passed away. The litter that was produced from this breeding contained one young blue buck that looked outstanding. I just had a feeling about this young bunny and so we named him "SAL"(in fact he is tatooed with that as an ear number). "SAL" was the male shortened form for Sally, in honor of Sally Luckingbill, who had been such a help to the boys. Well as stories go, you might expect SAL went on to win his grand championship. BUT more importantly, he has sired some of the nicest blues ever raised here at Hidden Hollow. In fact two of his daughters (sisters) were winning almost every show in the fall and spring of 06 and 07. They both earned their grand championship with a total of 11 legs combined between them. NEWS FLASH ...Most recently an other SAL daughter won BIS (open division) at the Lebanon Area Fair 07. What is so wonderful about that is there were 112 Dutch and 445 total rabbits shown. SAL has certainly earned a place in our hearts and a place in the history of Hidden Hollow Farm.
"RAM" - a beautiful typed and cleanly marked doe that we raised here at Hidden Hollow Farm. She was the first Dutch raised here to win a BIS. We surprised us all when she won he BIS award at the 2004 PaSRBA convention show. Her mother was a Black doe from Bob Hessick (Ohio Fame). Bob was a grand old gentleman who went out of his way to help youth breeders. He sold Nathan this black doe and told him, "Now, its not showable, but I think she'll breed really well for you". Bob was right. #R714, the black doe from Bob turned into the Grand Dam of Nate's blue dutch herd. "Ram" was just the first daughter, but she (in combination with SAL above) began the "Dodge tough" line of blues that is the core of Nate's blue herd today. "Ram" ended her show career with 11 GC legs, but more importantly, in her first litter she had twins daughters. These twins were 6G6O and 6G6P which between them ended their show careers with 12 legs. These twins seemed unbeatable in the fall of 2006 and spring of 2007.
     We maintain a rather small herd. Normally we have no more than 6 to 7 breeding does in each of the 3 main varieties we raise. We cull our young stock very strickly and retain only the very best youngsters from each breeding season. Our ultimate goal is to raise quality show and breeding stock that will make a positive impact on the future of the Dutch breed. 
     Because we are so selective in what young stock we retain, we are often limited in what we have available (on hand) for sale. Most of our sales are either through pre-ordering or through consignment auction at the major shows each year. We do offer some stock for sale directly from the farm and we try to list those animals that are available on the Sale page of our web site.
     From these does we try to produce show stock for the major spring and fall show seasons. We do not show heavily in the summer, usually the only fairs we attend are our own county fair and the Allentown Fair. We almost always attend the following major shows each year: The Pa State Convention shows, the Chesapeake Regional Dutch Shows, the Ohio State Dutch club shows, and the National Dutch Show.
     We believe in striving to produce the best stock possible. We rarely retain stock that is not showably marked. We do believe in line breeding on a limited basis.